Vitamin for PS Vita released
The gates have opened!!!
Long story short:
Team Freek = TheFloW, Major_Tom, and Mr. Gas.
Some asshat leaked their Vitamin preview and started the scene drama…Major_Tom and Mr.Gas said they are out sadly However, TheFloW remains with SWEET updates from the official 1.0 release. There are dump compatibility issues with MANY games…1.1 is out which improves the dumping but not really the compatibility. 1.2 is coming out soon (today maybe), and will have MUCH better compatibility.
Vitamin Download:
Keep an eye on Reddit’s /r/VitaPiracy and TheFloW’s twitter to get the latest updates…on what is now the most exciting scene activity that we’ve seen in a LONG time.
For those who say this is bad – I don’t think so, because Vita is officially declared dead by Sony. No longer supported ONE month after I purchased mine…so…I think this is a classic console now, and the era for it’s roms is now. No more AAA titles are planned for it, and lemme tell you … From the selection of games out there – It’s clear why the console didn’t make it too far:
- No GOOD hacks for it for long time. Previous Rejuvination hack was limited in accessibility. PSP emulator hacks on PSVita are cool…but not native Vita hacks.
- LAME set of games for it, unless you love JRPG’s…then it’s the best console in the world for you ;p I bought mine just to play Uncharted (seriously..)
Anyways – Have Phun
If you are looking to purchase a PS Vita to join in on the fun…please consider purchasing from these links (It helps support this site and does not cost you anything additional!)
(Originally Posted August 31, 2016)