Simple Backup using Rsync with Synology NAS

I was doing some research for a backup solution for my Fedora 39 Linux Server. I was expecting to use the “Active Backup for Business” software that Synology has. It’s quite easy to setup an agent on Windows and Mac…but not as easy for Linux. Sure, if you are one of those people that have an old version of Linux – it’s not going to be really painful for you (Good luck with updates & security eventually though!). However, if you are on Fedora’s latest versions…it’s not supported!

GREAT! I was hoping maybe I can jimmy it on there, but a brief Google search found many people complaining about the same thing and no hope in site for Synology to update their software. It just doesn’t support the 6.x kernel, so I wasn’t going to spend time trying to force it. Not a backup solution of all things. SO, here began my research in to many options available for Linux backup options.

There are many options out there, but I settled on rsync because of my basic needs. I’ve read arguments regarding duplicity, compression, encryption, and data stability for multiple solutions. Rsync can do a LOT of things that I didn’t realize at first…after all it’s just a “remote sync” tool right? Throw in a Synology in to the mix, and people have had mixed results with backups going to these devices depending on how their setups were configured.

Some options made full images of the system, but those took a lot of space (which I don’t have tons of to waste of massive backups), and time (like Clonezilla and similar ‘full backup’ options). I looked a Veeam, Borg, Restic, BackupPC, TimeShift, BackinTime, and even Bacula…just to name a few. However, many of these required a server/agent client setup and quite a bit of learning (some more than others)…didn’t support Fedora 39, or something else that didn’t quite sell me on it 100%. Now…these are great software solutions for people that need all these features…but all I need here is ONE linux server backed up.

It was difficult to find one that fit my specific (and what I thought) basic needs:

  • Synology Support (Easy, not hackery via SSH – Also reliability of course)
  • If not Synology Support, Easy management system via ISO distribution or linux installation (bare metal install or docker).
  • Web GUI required (though simple command line/config will do I suppose – This is a headless install, so GUI is not preferred).
  • Data backups
  • Easy!!! (I don’t want to spend a lot of time learning a massive solution – I have basic needs).

Long story short – I ended up going with rsync because Synology has a rsync server that I enabled, and easily setup a user. It has a NetBackup folder it automatically creates, so I made sure this user had access to this folder. The rest is done via a simple Bash Script I wrote that runs database backups and then syncs files within my desired folders to the Synology.

Make a file called

echo 'Starting Backup...'
echo ''
echo 'Creating Database Backups...'
echo ''
echo 'Dumping WoW DB..'
echo 'Dumping XWiki DB..'
echo 'Done Dumping Databases'
echo ''
echo 'Backing Up Files...'
echo ''
echo 'Backing up /root'
rsync -av --no-o --no-g --no-perms --checksum --password-file=/home/backup/rsync_password /root nasuser@
echo 'Backing up /home'
rsync -av --no-o --no-g --no-perms --checksum --password-file=/home/backup/rsync_password /home nasuser@
echo 'Backing up Docker Volumes'
rsync -av --no-o --no-g --no-perms --checksum --password-file=/home/backup/rsync_password /var/lib/docker/volumes nasuser@
echo 'Backing up Data Folder'
rsync -av --no-o --no-g --no-perms --checksum --password-file=/home/backup/rsync_password /Data nasuser@
echo 'Backing up BitWarden'
rsync -av --no-o --no-g --no-perms --checksum --password-file=/home/backup/rsync_password /opt/bitwarden nasuser@
echo 'Backing up WebSites'
rsync -av --no-o --no-g --no-perms --checksum --password-file=/home/backup/rsync_password /var/www nasuser@
echo 'Backing up Nginx Site Configs'
rsync -av --no-o --no-g --no-perms --checksum --password-file=/home/backup/rsync_password /etc/nginx/sites-available nasuser@
echo ''
echo 'Done!'

It creates database backups first via separate scripts. These place the files in /root which is backed up.

–password-file is where you simply create a text file that has the password in there (chmod 600 that file).

Use your user instead of nasuser and your Synology IP instead of
Use your backup source and destination paths as well.

Don’t forget to give it execute permissions: chmod +x

Now you can run it and test to make sure it’s creating the files. If it is looking good, make a crontab entry to run it as often as you’d like. Mine runs daily at 3AM for example:

(You can enter crontab by typing: crontab -e)

0 3 * * * /home/backup/

Save it (if using vi, it’s :wq!)

You should be all set! Of course, you should make sure the crontab is working by verifying daily backups appear for your databases and other files.

If you want an example database backup script (You need to set your own IP and credentials), here is what I use:

echo 'Backing up WoW...'
echo 'Backing up Auth DB..'
mysqldump -h -P3306 -uroot -ppassword acore_auth > acore_auth-$(date +%F).sql
echo 'Done'
echo 'Backing up Characters DB..'
mysqldump -h -P3306 -uroot -ppassword acore_characters > acore_characters-$(date +%F).sql
echo 'Done'
echo 'Backing up World DB..'
mysqldump -h -P3306 -uroot -ppassword acore_world > acore_world-$(date +%F).sql
chmod 600 acore*.sql
echo 'Cleaning up old backups..'
find /root/wowdbbackup -type f -iname '*.sql' -mtime +10 -delete
echo 'Done making all backups!'

This dumps the selected databases in to a file with the date tagged in the filename.
It also changes the file permissions to ensure all .sql files in that folder have been set with chmod 600
It looks for .sql files in the folder that are older than 10 days, and deletes them. MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS AND UNDERSTAND IT WILL DELETE ANY SQL FILES OLDER THAN 10 DAYS IN THE SPECIFIED FOLDER.

Hope this helps anyone else looking for a ‘simple’ backup solution for a Linux Server to a Synology NAS. The best thing is this can work with any Linux/Nix OS that has rsync! No need to worry about “will this work on my Linux?!”.

Are there better backup solutions or ways to do this? Probably…but this works for me – and hopefully it can work for you too!

Lastly – Shame on you Synology for the poor Linux support in Active Backup for Business.

EmulatorJS 4.x Added to Emulation Section

Hello Everyone – it’s been a while!

I’ve been working on emulation stuff for a bit and have added the EmulatorJS suite to the emulation section here:

I have a retro project using this core which is much better but I can’t release it to the public (at least not yet) because of 1) legality concerns and 2) security concerns.

The emulators available right now require you to provide your own roms. The retro system I have provides them…and as you can image this runs in to grey zones in legality. I don’t want any legal issues for bringing the classic retro passion to folks (which makes me $0 lol). The greatest concern is security though…The software was designed to be used locally, not over the internet.

Hopefully as time progresses – legality and security issues will be addressed. Until then – Enjoy!

ScummVM 2.7.0 Released

The beloved ScummVM has released an updated version 2.7.0

Here are the main updates:

New games:

  • Added support for Soldier Boyz.
  • Added support for C64 and ZX Spectrum versions of GLK Scott Adams Interactive Fiction games.
  • Added support for GLK Scott Adams adventures 1-12 in the TI99/4A format.
  • Added support for Obsidian.
  • Added support for Pink Panther: Passport to Peril.
  • Added support for Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink.
  • Added support for Adibou 2 “Environment”, “Read/Count 4 & 5” and “Read/Count 6 & 7”.
  • Added support for Driller/Space Station Oblivion (DOS/EGA/CGA, Amiga, AtariST, ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC versions).
  • Added support for Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II.
  • Added support for Chop Suey, Eastern Mind, and 16 other Director 3 and Director 4 titles.

New platforms:

  • Added support for the RetroMini RS90 under OpenDingux beta.
  • Added support for the 1st generation Miyoo (New BittBoy, Pocket Go and PowKiddy Q90-V90-Q20) under TriForceX MiyooCFW.
  • Added support for the Miyoo Mini.
  • Added support for KolibriOS.


  • Reduced amount of false positives in Mass Add.
  • Updated the Roland MT-32 emulation code to Munt mt32emu 2.7.0.
  • Added support for shader-based scalers.
  • Added option for mono sound output (via –output-channels=CHANNELS command line option).
  • Improved cursor scaling in OpenGL mode.
  • Fix crash when browsing folders containing files with \1 in the names.
  • Added possibility to specify RNG seed via GUI or command line option.
  • Added possibility to run ScummVM in autodetection mode by renaming the executable starting with ‘scummvm-auto’ or by providing an empty file named ‘scummvm-autorun’ next to the ScummVM executable.
  • Added possibility to supply command line parameters which will be picked up automatically. Put them one per line in a file named ‘scummvm-autorun’.
  • Added possibility to customize the default settings by specifying an initial configuration file to load if no configuration file exists in the usual location (via –initial-cfg=FILE or -i command line option).
  • Added support for loading game resources which are bigger than 2GB on more platforms.

(You can view the full Changelog)

You can download the latest binaries from HERE

Added Boxer 4.1 Beta

I have updated the Boxer versions on to include both 2.0 and 4.1 Beta.

The reason for this update was to have a version that supports Apple Silicon CPUs. If you want to read more about it you can check the github repo here:

There is a known bug worth mentioning:

Quitting Boxer after running DOS causes Boxer to crash.

I take no credit for this build – It is credited to MaddTheSane.

Ethereum Mining Profitable Again

Lots of people have been interested in my AMD RX580 BIOS mod:

Original (you should make your own…but just in case):
Modded with 1750 over 2000 straps:

Now is a good time to be mining some Ethereum, and if you want to improve your performance, these BIOS mods may be what you are looking for! Check out’s Calculator (modify to your specs of course):

I am currently running them with 28+MH/s on Phoenix Miner on EthOS. Your mileage may vary:

GPU1: 65C 100% 125W, GPU2: 59C 100% 127W
GPUs power: 252.0 W
Eth speed: 56.351 MH/s, shares: 2356/0/0, time: 116:14
GPUs: 1: 28.264 MH/s (1171) 2: 28.087 MH/s (1185)

Get this card (Asus DUAL-RX580-8OG) on Amazon Here:

Jellyfin HDHomeRun EPG Puller

If you are using Jellyfin on Linux, have a HDHomeRun cable tuner, AND have paid for the DVR feature – you may be wondering “Do I really have to pay for a separate EPG service in Jellyfin?!?!”

Answer is: NO – You can use the EPG data that you paid for with HDHomeRun

I have created a small script that will query HDHomeRun network cable tuner’s key, and use that key to download a EPG compatible with Kodi 🙂

You can make a file called and put the following in it:

echo 'Getting Current Key from HDHomeRun...'
KEY=$(curl | jq -r .DeviceAuth)
echo 'Current Key is' $KEY #optional line
echo 'Downloading TV Guide Data...'
curl --compressed$KEY > /data/Containers/jellyfin/xmltvlist.xml
echo 'Done!'

As you can see…This script is pretty simple. For most, no need for me to explain what it’s doing once you see it. However, to make it easy for everyone – I will explain a few things you must modify to make it suit your needs:

  1. Change to the IP of YOUR HDHomeRun device.
  2. Change /data/Containers/jellyfin/xmltvlist.xml to save the epg file where YOU want it.
  3. Don’t forget to give execute permissions to the script:
chmod +x

If this is not working – please make sure you have DVR service active on your HDHomeRun tuner. EPG is part of that service (gotta know when a show plays to automatically record it!).

Hope this helps some of you Jellyfin users out. I prefer watching TV with Kodi…but if you have to stream it to your phone or remotely – It comes in handy having it in Jellyfin too!

UPDATE: 2/25/2022 – The 2nd curl command appears to now require https:// being included. I’ve updated the code above. If you using it already, you’ll have to modify your script. If you are setting it up new for the first time – just copy and current script as it’s updated and should be good to go!

Introducing our new Boxer Fork Site (64-bit Support)

Happy New Year!!!

2021 – I decided to compile MaddTheSane’s Boxer fork on BigSur and make a site in honor of Boxer’s continued life!

This build works on 10.15 (Catalina) and 11.0 (BigSur). It’s basically MaddTheSane’s with minimal personal tweaks. I take no credit for the work here … I just appreciate his, the original author’s work, and the DOSBox team for making retro gaming possible in 2021’s modern 64-bit operating systems.

Minimal testing on this – If you have any problems you can post them on MaddTheSane’s Github. Hope you enjoy it folks!

Edit – Had some distribution issues with signing of app. I have a copy I found here instead which works until then.

Private World of Warcraft Server Launched

I’m happy to announce the public release of our AzerothCore WOTLK Private (and free) WoW server! This is a WOTLK vanilla experience. If you need help – you can ping Nyx or Demos (GM aka me) for any assistance.

I encourage people to play and enjoy but please no hacks/cheats and please avoid bots…I don’t really have a problem with bots generally IF you use them lightly. I mean to solo, or help you play solo with a few bot ‘assistants’. What I want to avoid are farming bots that keep stealing mats from people that are trying to manually farm. Don’t be a jerk and you can use your bot in a nice ‘subtle fashion’. If you abuse the service you will be warned and/or banned.

Interested in playing? Check the top link or check . You can grab the client and we recommend two cool add-ons Questhelper and ZygorGuides. You can find those here: as well as many other cool addons!


PS5 Hardware Revealed by Sony

Well folks – There’s no need to guess anymore about how the Playstation 5 is going to look like. Sony has unveiled it to the world:

Big questions are:

  • What is the backwards compatibility going to be like (Hopefully Sony doesn’t take that out like they have in the past). It should work with PS4 titles we hope.
  • What are the hardware specs for sure (all of them!)
  • Will we need standard HDMI or a new connector?

More info will hopefully be available soon. Some people have said a new TV may be required? I doubt that, but we’ll keep an eye open for more info.

PS5 Specs Leaked?!

We finally may have the PS5 specs leaked thank to here:

PS5 specs might’ve finally just leaked


  • 13.3TF Custom RDNA 2 GPU @ 1.7GHZ with 60 Compute Units
  • AMD Zen2 8 core @ 3.4 GHZ (Sony is working on boosting to 3.7GHZ)
  • RAM 16GB GDDR6 + 4GB DDR4
  • SSD@5.5GB/S @ 1TB
  • Dedicated RT and 3D Audio cores
  • 565GB Bandwidth
  • Full digital backward compatibility with every PlayStation console and handheld for a library of 1000’s of games on day 1
  • Enhanced Dual Shock 5 with haptic triggers, heartbeat monitors and built-in microphone
  • PlayStation AI assistant that allows you to change games create parties and more with voice commands

Can’t wait!

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